Marisa Blake

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Movement is always good

I started doing voiceover when I was 13 or 14 years old, back when you used to have to drive around to different studios to audition and as far as I knew, home studios were not really a thing.  At least not for me.  I recently got back into Voiceover a few years ago and boy has there been a lot to learn and a lot of ways to grow!  I have trained with various professionals such as Dan Friedman, Lisa Biggs, Stephanie Morgan, Robin Armstrong, and Steven Heller.  I have listened to hours and hours of podcasts, I have spent the years growing my studio space from closet, to corner, to now a real booth, from various mics to now a TLM 103, from a homemade demo to a beautifully produced commercial demo from J. Michael Collins. From feeling confused and helpless, to starting to get a handle on how things work.  I am by no means a master, but I can call myself a professional voice actor.  I can offer you a 24 hours or less turn around time, I can offer translation services and Spanish VO, I can offer live directed sessions from my home studio and That. Feels. Great!  

It has been a step by step process.  I think it is important when you are just starting out, to be patient with yourself.  This is a beautiful business, but it takes A LOT of work, confidence, dedication, and a desire to never stop learning and growing.  

Last week I was walking up my driveway opening a check in the mail from one of my newest clients who I work with several times a month.  I walked up my driveway in a dream state.  This was part of the vision and the plan I had last year at this time.  This past month I made more money with my voice, than I have ever made in one month.  I am not FULLY making what I would like to make, but it is a HUGE step, and again, It. Feels. GREAT!  

I have a clear vision, that if I keep working on my craft, and I keep growing my business with those phone calls, emails, LinkedIn messages, networking events, conferences and so on, then this time next year I should be so lucky to call myself a full time voice actor!  

I think it's important that as you get started, you track these baby steps.  Track the movement and the small victories.  They all add up AND they will help you fight thru on those days when you ask yourself, "What am doing here?!?" 

I want to wish you if you are reading this, THE BEST!  May you be inspired to keep working at it, and keep moving forward!